The Early Diagnosis in Oral Leukoplakia: Case Report
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Lesão Oral

How to Cite

Luders PC, Brandão BJF. The Early Diagnosis in Oral Leukoplakia: Case Report. bwsj [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 24 [cited 2024 Sep. 14];4:1-7. Available from:


Oral cavity leukoplakia is a precursor lesion with a high propensity to become malignant, being the most common one seen in the oral cavity. Considering that the longer the injury time, the greater the chance of malignancy. This case report aims to demonstrate the clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of an early stage oral leukoplakia. The case and information were obtained from the medical assistance provided at Faculdade BWS, more specifically at the clinical outpatient clinic of the Dermatology course, in São Paulo. Concluding that a leukoplakia is a more common precursor lesion that can progress to malignancy. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent this outcome.
PDF (Português (Brasil))
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Paola Candiotto Luders; Byron José Figueiredo Brandão (Orientador)