Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with strong genetic
predisposition and autoimmune pathogenic characteristics.
Literature is scarce regarding clinical trials specifically related to
the treatment of scalp psoriasis. Ain: To review the main clinical
trials related to the treatment of scalp psoriasis. Method: The
database chosen for the research was PUBMED, using the
following search strategy: psoriasis [title] AND (hair [title] OR scalp
[title]) AND treatment [title]. Results: In total, 24 articles were
selected for this review. Conclusions: The most commonly
mentioned drugs were corticosteroids (halcinonide, fluocinonide,
clobetasol and betamethasone in the form of dipropionate and 17-
valerate) and calcipotriol, a synthetic analogue of calcitriol (active
form of vitamin D3). Emphasis was given to the information of nonalcoholic
lipophilic gel containing calcipotriol (50 μg / g).
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