Introduction-Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis (PEGA) is characterized by multiple non-follicular sterile pustules. It is part of a group of diseases characterized by adverse skin reactions and may have mild to severe involvement. In 90% of the cases they are induced by drugs, mainly penicillins.
Goals-Include PEGA as a differential diagnosis of dermatoses observed during the use of medicated drugs, due to its low incidence.
Materials and Methods-The case report used the monitoring of a patient with PEGA associated with bibliographic references.
Result-With the immediate suspension of the use of macrolides associated with topical corticosteroids, the patient in the case report showed complete improvement of the pustular lesions of the body in 10 days, maintaining only hyperpigmentation with local.
Conclusion-Highlight the need to include PEGA as a differential diagnosis of dermatoses observed during the use of medicated drugs, because, despite its low incidence, it affects patients abruptly, affecting an extensive skin area and may have symptomatic symptoms.
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